Mr. Cheong completed the Certificate Course in Buddhist Studies (Merit Award) at Nalanda Institute last year. He was unanimously elected by his graduating batch of students to deliver the vote of thanks, and gave an eloquent and memorable speech at the Institute’s first Convocation Ceremony in December 2007.

Beginning of a Journey

By Cheong Wee Wong

My family first took refuge in the Triple Gem on Wesak Day 2004. Thereafter, except for regular attendance at temples on auspicious occasions and participation in charity events, nothing of notable significance in terms of spiritual development took place, and my wife and I remained very much lost in Samsara, until we made a momentous discovery!

We had heard of Nalanda Buddhist Society in passing but it was at the Buddhist Culture and Arts Festival in June 2007 that we had the opportunity to see for ourselves the commitment, enthusiasm and dedication of the small but energetic group of young Buddhists from Nalanda who carried out their tasks with confidence and sincerity, moreover in a refined and cultured manner.

When we made our way to Sri Serdang on a discovery tour, we were briefed on the objectives and activities of the Society and Nalanda Institute, in particular the various courses available for the proper study of Buddhism.

We were overjoyed for we believed we had found the path to spiritual development. We immediately enrolled for the Certificate in Buddhist Studies Course and the Commentarial Courses. We are presently at Nalanda most weekends to participate in various educational programmes and other meaningful activities.

On reflection, we realise that we are extremely blessed with the opportunity to enrich ourselves from the vibrant learning culture and the quality Buddhist education, imparted in a systematic and well structured manner by learned, dedicated and passionate teachers at Nalanda.

We have just embarked on our journey, not yet enlightening, but rather a lightening one as we learn to discard the numerous defilements accumulated through ignorance and unskilful practices. It is a long journey that requires faith, patience, effort and determination but we are confident that our teachers and friends at Nalanda and elsewhere will guide and assist us along the way.