Pustaka Nalanda Library Department

Pustaka Nalanda (Library) is an integral part of Nalanda Institute in fulfilling its objectives to promote the learning, study and understanding of Buddha’s teachings.

Currently, Pustaka Nalanda has more than two thousand titles comprising Pali Scriptures, reference materials, books, periodicals and other Buddhist publications in several languages.

The Library also contains books on education, leadership and management studies, in line with the Institute’s course offerings in those subjects.

In view of the increasing number of students and courses on offer, we are inviting the Buddhist community to donate relevant books or funds to the Pustaka so as to expand our catalogue. You may email to the Institute for further details on how to make your contribution or endowment.

These books are recent additions to the collection at Pustaka Nalanda.

Donation Appeal

As we are a non-profit, service-oriented organization, all our expenses are met by contributions and public donations.

We therefore welcome and deeply appreciate your donation in any form or amount to help us maintain the Centre and to run our programmes and services. Additional funds are also needed to expand our services to cater for the increasing demand in learning the Buddha-dharma in an effective and holistic way.

You can contribute by posting a crossed-cheque in favour of “NALANDA BUDDHIST SOCIETY” to the Centre. Please state your identity and return address so that we can send you the official receipt.

Thank you very much for your generous support!