Convocation 2008

21 December 2008, Buddhist Maha Vihara

Congratulations to all graduates!
Nalanda Institute recently held our second Convocation Ceremony at the Buddhist Maha Vihara in Kuala Lumpur. Venerable K Sri Dhamma- ratana, Sangha Nayaka of Malaysia, presided over the ceremony and presented the various Certificates and achievement awards to the 2008 course graduates. Eighty participants received their scrolls on the occasion from the Nayaka Thera. Venerable Ajahn Siripañño from Thailand was the guest speaker.

Khoo Nee Sern receiving a special award from Ven. Dhammaratana for the best overall performance in the Certificate in Buddhist Studies programme.

LMS 441 Certificate in Teaching
Dharma School teachers from eight schools in the Klang Valley showing their solidarity after receiving their Certificate in Teaching in Dharma School. Their course was a grilling and demanding seven-module, one-year programme, complete with three assignments and examination.

BPS 301 Cert. in Buddhist Studies
Thirty-five participants completed their four-module, six-month course in Buddhism, also complete with assignments and examination.