The Buddhist Education Mission is a voluntary organization comprising like-minded Buddhist individuals committed to Dharma education, teacher training and youth development. The Mission operates under the auspices of Nalanda Institute.

The Objective of the Mission is to promote holistic education and integral human development based on the Buddha-Dharma.

The Buddhist Education Mission is recruiting volunteers to organize various programmes and activities such as holiday camps for children and young people, educational visits, exhibitions, Dharma lectures, and to teach the Dharma to children. Anyone can join the Mission as long as you are passionate about Buddhist education and have a big heart to share the Dharma with others, especially with younger people.

Register as a volunteer with the Buddhist Education Mission today and make your contribution towards building a better future for our community.

Kelantan Chapter

The Kelantan Chapter of the Buddhist Education Mission (BEM) was founded on 31 August 2008 comprising Kelantanese Buddhists living in the Klang Valley. The Chapter meets every two months to plan and implement various education and propagation projects. The BEM Kelantan Chapter has agreed to the five-point programme for 2008-2009 as follows :

  1. To organize at least two Dharma propagation tours to Kelantan every year.
  2. To sponsor and arrange for Dharma school teachers from Kelantan to attend seminars and conferences in the Klang Valley.
  3. To arrange for students from Kelantan to visit and stay at Nalanda Vidyalaya during the school holidays to further their Dharma knowledge and appreciation.
  4. To organize two Buddhist camps annually for students in Kelantan - one each for the primary and secondary school students.
  5. To translate and make available suitable Dharma books specifically for the state.

If you are interested to know more about the Mission, kindly contact H S Tan at 012-308-9212 or e-mail to dhammaratana@gmail.com.