Mangala Sutta


Evam me sutam
Ekam samayam Bhagavā
Sāvatthiyam viharati
Jetavane Anāthapindikassa ārāme
Atha kho aññātarā devatā
Abhikkantāya rattiyā abhikkanta vannā
Kevala kappam Jetavanam obhāsetvā
Yena Bhagavā tenupasamkami
Upasamkamitvā bhagavantam
Abhivādetvā ekamantam atthāsi
Ekamantam thitā kho sā devatā
Bhagavantam gāthāya ajjhabhāsi
Thus have I heard :
On one occasion, the Blessed One
was dwelling at the monastery of
Anāthapindika in Jeta's Grove near Savatthi.
When the night was far spent,
a certain deity whose surpassing splendour
illuminated the entire Jeta Grove,
came to the presence of the Blessed One,
and drawing near, respectfully saluted the Lord
and stood to one side.
Standing thus,
he addressed the Blessed One in verse :
Evam Thus

me I [ instrumental case : “by me” ]

sutam heard

ekam (On) one

samayam occasion

Bhagavā (the) Blessed One, i.e. the Buddha

Sāvatthiyam (in) Sāvatthi, the capital of Kosala

viharati (was) living

Jetavane Jeta’s Wood; Jeta’s Grove

Anāthapindikassa Anāthapindika’s

ārāme monastery

atha kho then; [ at the time ]

aññātarā a certain

devatā deity [ masculine : deva ]

abhikkantāya (at the) last watch

rattiyā (of the) night

abhikkanta extreme; outstanding; magnificent

vannā brilliance; handsome

kevala whole

kappa surrounding

Jetavanam Jeta’s Wood

obhāsetvā set aglow (in full radiance)

Yena … tena [ locative case : “towards where” ]

upasamkami approach

upasamkamitvā having approach

bhagavantam (to the) Buddha; Blessed One

abhivādetvā having paid respect

ekam antam at one side

atthāsi (the deity) stood

ekamantam thitā kho and thus; standing at one side

sā devatā that deity

gāthāya in verses

ajjhabhāsi addressed (the Buddha)