Danda Vagga (The Rod or Punishment)

Verse 143

Hirīnisedho puriso
koci lokasmim vijjati
Yo nindam apabodheti
asso bhadro kasām iva
(Rarely) is found in this world
anyone who, restrained by modesty,
avoids reproach, just as a thoroughbred
horse (avoids) the whip.
hirī moral shame; (having) modesty

hirī-nisedho restrained by modesty

puriso man

koci whoever; anyone

lokasmim in this world

vijjati is found

yo [ Nom. masc. ]  he

nindam blame; reproach

apabodheti consciously avoids

asso horse

bhadro good (here, asso bhadro refers to a thoroughbred)

kasām a whip

iva just as