Pandita Vagga (The Wise)

Verse 85

Appakā te manussesu
ye janā pāragāmino
Athāyam itarā pajā
Few are there amongst men who
cross to the other shore (Nibbāna);
the rest of mankind
(merely) run along this bank.
appakā (te) very few (among them)

ye manussesu (among) humans

janā people

pāragāmino go across (to the other shore)

athāyam [ atha + ayam ]  this side

itarā others

pajā men; beings

tīramevānudhāvati [ tīraŋ + eva + anudhāvati ]

tīraŋ the opposite bank, the farther side (of a river or sea)

eva [ use here as emphasis ]  just

anudhāvati [ anu + dhāvati ]  run along (i.e. run up and down this bank of the river)