Metta Sutta

Verse 10

Ditthiñ ca anupagamma sīlavā
Dassanena sampanno
Kāmesu vineyya gedham
Nahi jātu gabbhaseyyam punaretī ti
Not erroneous with views,
endowed with virtues and insight,
with sensual desires abandoned,
he would come no more to be conceived in a womb.
Ditthiñ (With) views

anupagamma not falling into error, not trafficking

sīlavā virtues, morality

Dassanena with insight

sampanno endowed with

Kāmesu sensual

vineyya purged, abandoned

gedham greed, desire

Nahi he will not

jātu be born

gabbhaseyyam in a womb

punaretī again