Metta Sutta

Verse 5

Ditthā vā yeva aditthā
Ye ca dūre vasanti avidūre
Bhūtā vā sambhavesī vā
Sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhi-tattā
Those visible or invisible,
residing near or far, those that have come to be
or have yet to come, (without exceptions)
may all beings be joyful.
Ditthā (Beings that are) seen; visible

yeva or (else)

aditthā unseen, invisible

[Ye ca] dūre [whether] far, distant

vasanti residing

avidūre near, adjacent

Bhūtā [vā] (bengs that are) born [or]

sambhavesī yet to be born

Sabbe all

sattā beings

bhavantu become

sukhi-tattā joyful, happy