Metta Sutta

Verse 6

Na paro param nikubbetha
Nāti-maññetha katthaci nam kañci
Byāro-sanā patigha-saññā
Nāñña-maññassa dukkha-miccheyya
Let one not deceive nor despise
another person, anywhere at all.
In anger and ill-will,
let him not wish any harm to another.
Na (Do) not

paro one

param another

nikubbetha betray, deceive

Nāti-maññetha slight, despise, show conceit

katthaci anywhere

nam him

kañci to (anyone) at all

Byāro-sanā (with) ill-will

patigha-saññā (and with) thoughts of anger

Nāñña-maññassa in his mind he does not another

dukkham ill, suffering

iccheyya wish for