Metta Sutta

Verse 7

Mātā yathā niyam puttam
Āyusā ekaputta-manurakkhe
Evampi sabba bhūtesu
Mānasam-bhāvaye aparimānam
Just as a mother would protect her
only child with her own life,
even so, let him cultivate boundless thoughts
of loving kindness towards all beings.
Mātā (A) mother

yathā just like

niyam puttam her son

Āyusā with her life

ekaputtam only child

anurakkhe guard, protect

Evam'pi even so, thus

sabba all

bhūtesu beings

Mānasam (his) thoughts (full of loving kindness)

bhāvaye maintain, cultivate

aparimānam unbounded