Metta Sutta

Verse 8

Mettañ ca sabba lokasmim
Mānasam bhāvaye aparimānam
Uddham adho ca tiriyañ ca
Asambādham averam asapattam
Let him cultivate boundless thoughts
of loving kindness towards the whole world —
above, below and all around,
unobstructed, free from hatred and enmity.
Mettañ ca (With) loving kindness (towards)

sabba all (beings)

lokasmim in the world

Mānasam thoughts

bhāvaye maintain

aparimānam unbounded

Uddham above

adho below

tiriyañ [ca] [and] all around, in the middle

Asambādham without barriers, unobstructed

averam free from anger and malice

asapattam free from enmity, without enemies