Pakinnaka Vagga (Miscellaneous)

Verse 303

Saddho sīlena sampanno
yasobhoga samappito
Yam yam padesam bhajati
tattha tatth’eva pūjito
He who is accomplished in faith and
virtue, possessed of fame and wealth,
he is honoured everywhere,
in whichever place he sojourns.
saddho (with) faith

sīlena with virtue;  morality

sampanno endowed with;  accomplished in

yaso fame

bhoga wealth

samappito endowed with;  possessed of

yam whichever

padesam location;  place;  region

bhajati sojourns

tattha [ Adv. ]  of the place

tatth’eva right there;  that very place

pūjito honoured