Puppha Vagga (Flowers)

Verse 45

Sekho pathavim vijessati
yamalokañ ca imam sadevakam
Sekho dhammapadam sudesitam
kusalo puppham’iva pacessati
A disciple in training will master this earth,
and this realm of Yama together with the realm of devas.
A disciple in training (will investigate)
the well-taught Path of Dhamma,
just as an expert (garland-maker) will pick flowers.
sekho a disciple in training      cf. asekho

pathavim Earth

vijessati [ From vijayati ]  will master, will triumph

yamalokañ the realm of Yama

ca and

imam this

sadevakam together with (the realm of) devas

dhammapadam Path of Dhamma

sudesitam well-preached, well-taught

kusalo a skilful person;  an expert

puppham flower

iva [ Used as comparison : ]  like

pacessati [ From pacinati ]  will pick, will pluck