Puppha Vagga (Flowers)

Verse 49

Yathā’pi bhamaro puppham
vanna gandham ahethayam
Paleti rasam ādāya
evam gāme munī care
As a bee without harming the flower,
its colour or scent, flies away after
collecting only the honey,
even so should the sage wander in the village
(collecting almsfood).
yathā just as

bhamaro a bee

puppham flower

vanna colour

gandham scent

ahethayam [ From hetheti ]  not injuring, not harming

paleti [ From palāyati ]  to go away

rasam [ Lit. ]  taste

ādāya having taken

evam even so

gāme [ Loc. ]  in the village

munī sage

care [ Lit. walk ]  wander about