Nāga Vagga (The Elephant)

Verse 320

Aham nāgo’va sangāme
cāpāto patitam saram
Ativākyam titikkhissam
dussīlo hi bahujjano
Just as an elephant in a battle
withstands the arrows shot from a bow,
even so will I endure abuse;
verily most people are undisciplined.
aham I

nāgo an elephant

‘va  [ eva ] just as

sangāme in battle

cāpāto [ Abl. from cāpa ]  shot from a bow

patitam withstands

saram arrow

ativākyam one who insults or offends

titikkhissam [ From titikkhati ]  endure, bear with

dussīlo undisciplined;  ill-behaved;  immoral

hi indeed;  verily

bahujjano many people