Puppha Vagga (Flowers)

Verse 54

Na puppha gandho pativātam’eti
na candanam tagara mallikā vā
Satañ ca gandho pativātam’eti
sabbā disā sappuriso pavāti
The sweet scent of flowers blows not against the wind,
nor does the fragrance of sandalwood,
tagara and jasmine;
but the fragrance of the virtuous goes against the wind and pervades every direction.
na not

puppha (of) flower

gandho sweet scent

pativātam’eti go against the wind

candanam sandalwood

tagara tagara  (a kind of shrub)

mallikā jasmine

na ... vā nor

satañ does often

sabbā all; every

disā directions

sappuriso virtuous person

pavāti the scent diffuses / pervades