Bāla Vagga (Fools)

Verse 72

Yāvadeva anatthāya
ñattam bālassa jāyati
Hanti bālassa sukkamsam
muddham assa vipātayam
To his ruin, indeed, the fool
gains knowledge and fame;
they destroy his bright lot and
cleave his head.
yāvadeva as much as

anatthāya not beneficial, ruin

ñattam intelligence; knowledge

bālassa the fool’s

jāyati [ Lit. to be born, produced ]   gains

hanti destroy, kill

sukkamsam brightness

muddham Lit. top, summit; head

assa his

vipātayam destroyed, fallen to pieces

A skillful stone-thrower foolishly hit a holy man. For that, he suffered rebirth as a peta.