Atta Vagga (The Self)

Verse 165

Attanā’va katam pāpam
attanā saŋkilissati
Attanā akatam pāpam
attanā’va visujjhati
Suddhi asuddhi paccattam
n’añño aññam visodhaye
By oneself indeed is evil done,
by oneself is one defiled.
By oneself is evil left undone,
by oneself indeed is one purified.
Purity and impurity depend on oneself;
no one can purify another.
attana [ Instr. ]  (by) oneself

eva indeed

katam performed, done

pāpam unwholesome deed; evil

saŋkilissati defiled

akatam not done

visujjhati purified

suddhi purity

asuddhi impurity

paccattam (depends on) the individual, oneself

na cannot

añño another

aññam to another person

añño aññam to each other reciprocally

visodhaye [ From visodha ]  cleanse, purify