Pandita Vagga (The Wise)

Verse 86

Ye ca kho sammadakkhāte
dhamme dhammānuvattino
Te janā pāramessanti
maccudheyyam suduttaram
Those who act in conformity to
the teaching which is well-preached,
will reach the other shore (Nibbāna),
having transcended the realm of death (Samsara) which is difficult to escape.
ye (ca) those men

kho [ used here as emphasis ]  indeed

sammadakkhāte [ sammā + (d) + akkhāta ]  well-preached

dhamme the Dhamma

dhammānuvattino [ dhamma + ānuvattino ] acting in conformity to the Dhamma

te they

janā people

pāramessanti arrived at the other shore (i.e. Nibbāna)

maccu death

dheyyam under the sway of; in the realm of

suduttaram very difficult to escape from