Appamāda Vagga (Heedfulness)

Verse 23

Te jhāyino sātatikā
niccam dalhaparakkamā
Phusanti dhīrā nibbānam
yogakkhemam anuttaram
Those who persevere in their meditation,
ever steadfast in their endeavour,
they firmly realize Nibbāna,
that incomparable (state of) perfect peace.
te they

jhāyino (those who) meditate

sātatikā persevering

niccam constantly; continuously

dalha steadfast

parakkamā exertion; endeavour; striving

phusanti [ Lit. touch ]  realize

dhīrā firm

nibbānam liberation

yogakkhemam [ yoga + khema ]  perfect peace
  Note : this is an epithet of Nibbāna

anuttaram incomparable