Appamāda Vagga (Heedfulness)

Verse 21

Appamādo amatapadam
pamādo maccuno padam
Appamattā na mīyanti
ye pamattā yathā matā
Heedfulness is the path to the deathless,
heedlessness is the path to death.
The heedful do not die,
the heedless are like the dead.
appamādo being heedful, heedfulness

amata deathless

padam path

pamādo being heedless, heedlessness

maccuno death

appamattā (those who are) mindful; diligent

na do not

mīyanti [ From marati ]  die

(ye) pamattā (those who are) negligent; unmindful; indolent

yathā just like;  are as if

matā dead