Appamāda Vagga (Heedfulness)

Verse 22

Etam visesato ñatvā
appamādamhi panditā
Appamāde pamodanti
ariyānam gocare ratā
Distinctly understanding this (difference),
the wise (intent) on heedfulness,
rejoice in heedfulness,
delighting in the realm of the Ariyas.
etam this (difference)

visesato [ Abl. of visesa ]  distinctly

ñatvā having understood

appamādamhi on being mindful

panditā the wise

appamāde [ Loc. ]  in mindfulness / heedfulness

pamodanti they (i.e. the wise) rejoice

ariyānam the Ariyan(‘s)

gocare [ Lit. ‘pasturing’ ]  realm; pasture

ratā delighting in