Ratana Sutta

Verse 2

Tasmā hi bhūtā nisāmetha sabbe
Mettam karotha mānusiyā pajāya
Divā ca ratto ca haranti ye balim
Tasmā hi ne rakkhatha appamattā
Listen here, all beings!
Shower your loving-kindness to
those humans who,
day and night, bring offerings to you.
Therefore, guard them diligently.
Tasmā Therefore

bhūtā beings

nisāmetha give attention

sabbe all-round

mettam (having) loving-kindness

karotha work (towards)

mānusiyā pajāya (for) human race, human beings

divā (ca) by day (and)

ratto by night

(ye) haranti (they) bring

balim offerings (to the deities)

ne them (i.e. those human beings)

rakkhatha protect

appamattā with diligence